2020. 3. 18. 20:24ㆍ카테고리 없음
Hello to all our fans!We're still working on the doctrinal reworks but in the mean time we decided to release a patch which will fix some of the current problems in the game. 5.1.7 is currently available on the Steam Beta branch and will be released as live in few days. Please try play a few games and look if the stuff mentioned in the changelog works. For full changelog visit our forum here:(We've got a report that the US 37mm gun still provides no cover. This report has been confirmed and will be fixed. Sorry for this oversight:/ ). Hello to BK mod fans and merry x-mas to all of you who celebrate this holiday.We've been speaking about planned doc reworks for a long time, we have a few concepts of what could be changed and how but now we need your opinions on several things to help us decide which of the concepts would be best to choose to give you what ypu want to see in the game.Kwok created for this a small survey to help us see what the opinions are, where all of you can speak your mind without ar.
Guing with anyone on the forum.Long story short:1) anyone can fill in the survey2) you need an ID to fill in survey (you get an ID from kwok by sending a PM to him on the forum or no Steam)3) you can fill the survey only once. Hello!I would like to bring your attention to the fact that we have currently active hotfix on the BK mod beta-branch. The hotfix is focused on addressing some of the balance-breaking issues of the recently released 5.1.5 as well as several things that got lost from 5.1.3 version. Hello to all our fans!We will release a new beta in few days with several quite big changes which will need a lot of testing to tune them correctly for the live version. Since we want to test it thoroughly we're making the beta public to make the testing available to as many people as possible. If you want to try the beta (once it is released, that is) follow this link to our forum where you can find a step-by-step guide which will walk you through the activation process.We.
Will notify you again once the beta is released:). Hello to all of our fans!It has been some time since we last announced something new for BK mod and we're about to change it today!
Some time ago Kronoz presented on our forum his idea for rework of Defensive doctrine of Wehrmacht. The idea was not bad but in general we felt it would not bring the results that the rework was meant to bring - at least not without bringing changes to the other doctrines too. There was a basic issue - either to 'unify' the doctrine concepts so.
That all would be 'allrounded' such as currently the BK, Terror and Luft (or to a certain degree all Axis docs) are, or make all doctrines more 'specilized' and make them always have easier time doing something while harder time doing something else. We decided to go with the way of more specilized doctrines because it encourages more team work where doctrine selection within the team matters and has impact on the match.
So we started to think about a rework of Axis doctrines - especially those that are currently the most 'I have everything and don't need my team to do anything' to make them more specialized or at least make their 'I can do everything' harder to pull off. The starting point here was to decide what each of the doctrines should be specialized in (what they can do easier) and what should be their weaker side.I will talk about it more in detail in upcoming days but for now just basic pros and cons of the mentioned Axis doctrines:Defensive doctrine:Pros: Good at defending captured ground and securing resources for the team; capable as support for team during an attackCons: Commencing an offense on your own is slower and harder to pull off. Hello to all our fans!Blitzkrieg mod is about to release the first steam update. This update is a small one but brings some interesting changes and few fixes (mostly in messed up texts).
The update will bring most noticeable changes to CW faction and specifically to Royal Engineers doctrine. We are trying a new way to avoid CW truck ramming abuse - Axis early AT guns will deal same damage as before 4.9.9 but the trucks should be no longer able to crush MGs and mortars. Will be unable to crush some bigger objects (e.g. Bigger bushes) but in general their movement should not be limited in any significant way. Another change that is about to come in this update is the build speed of CW 17 pounder emplacements. There were complains about them, most often in RE doc which was able to build a new emplacement in 15 seconds (after unlock). The build time of 17 pounder emplacement for all CW factions will be increased to 45 seconds (from 30) and RE after unlock will be able to lower their build time to 30 seconds (from 15).
This should provide to Axis players more time to react and push through once they make a hole into a defensive line, though the sturdiness of the emplacemet itself is unchanged so you will need to be ready to attack once you take the emplacement down. Another change, though for now just experimental, is change in overall approach to Comet tanks. We decided to try to turn them into what they really were - a Cromwell tank with 17 pounder. Comets will have about 10% stronger armor than Cromwells (so they should no longer bounce off shots from Tigers, Panthers and other strong guns;actually even 75mm L48 have quite easy time penetrating them) but their price is also significantly dropped.They will cost 470MP 60F - they will be more expensive than Cromwells, but cheaper than Fireflies. So players will get a chance to choose between Firelies which are slower but have more HP in combination with overall better armor and Comets which will be weaker in terms sturdiness but more mobile and so better for flanking. In case of need for heavily armored tanks, RE needs to use Churchills. As already said the Comet change is experimental so some aspects might be further tweaked (e.g.
Price) or it might get reverted completely if it shows up to have overall bad impact to gameplay. Hello to each and every Blitzkrieg mod fan!
I haven't posted any news here in a long time because there have been quite a lot of stuff going on lately in my live and thus I've been busy. But we wanted to let you all know that we are still working on the mod.
The steam release is happening but it takes way longer than we expected - when you want to add a game (or mod) to steam you need to fill in a ton of papers including personal detail, company details (which was another set. Back since BK mod is not developed by any company and Steam had hard time understanding that:D ) and much and much other paperwork.
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Hello everyone!We are finally releasing Blitzkrieg Mod on steam today!It was a long road after we posted it to greenlight, but we made it! Thanks to all supporters! We hope that you will enjoy better Blitzkrieg Mod experience on Steam.We are releasing version 5.1.2, which should be available on steam now! Hello everyone! We have two important messages for you today!We are trying to bring Blitzkrieg Mod on steam, via current Greenlight program. For that, we need enough votes from the public - for example, you that are currently reading this message!If we will get there, BKmod will stay free and you will be able to update BK via steam, as every other steam game you have.So if you would like to see it on steam, vote Yes!
On this link:Second message is our usual business, we are always trying to improve your game experience by balancing the game and fixing known bugs. For that, 4.9.8 Patch that is being released now.Full changelog with download on our forum post:Majority of the changes were done by MarKr, so big props to him.Thank you and Enjoy!Wolf,Blitzkrieg Mod Team. Hello everyone!
After a shorter while this time, we bring to you a new patch - 4.9.7.At first we wanted to make this version just a hotfix for some critical problems that occurred in 4.9.6 but in the end we implemented a few more things, so that is why it took longer than we initially announced. Tanks with 90mm guns have now higher fuel upkeep which should make it a little bit harder for Armor player to maintain a constant force of several Pershings in the field. Endro also provided a fixed version of his reverse system. If you notice any problem with it, let us know.Majority of the changes were done by MarKr, so big props to him.Full changelog with download on our forum post:Enjoy!Wolf,Blitzkrieg Mod Team.
Hello everyone! After a long time we bring to you a new patch - 4.9.6.The patch should balance several things in the current meta - Mortar halftracks are delayed (for CW mortar pit), CW can build BOYS team without having Lieutenant first, some price drops for Axis units should make the early game a little bit more forgiving should you lose a squad, and a big change is the new aim time for hand-held AT weapons (this was made mainly to prevent rapid-shooting bug but people who played beta actually liked the system as it makes the (by many hated) 'run to tank, fire and retreat' tactics harder). Tank commanders provide different buffs now and also are a bit cheaper. Royal Artillery doctrine has Dummy guns and Sector smoke reworked so they will hopefuly be more useful now. PIV F2 still has the same stats but now it is cheaper, can deploy smoke cover (either to retreat safely or for advancing infantry) and with working HE shots (yes, the finally work!) it can also deal with infantry now more effectively - it is still not a good idea to send it alone but it can be more useful as a support for infantry. Luft doctrine got some attention to their airstrikes which should be more effective now and Reg5 got a nerf to the Defensive bonus they got last time.
We also fixed several bugs, added abilities to some units, after a long time we added new units - Panzer III aufs. N and Sturmtiger and some textures were updated too. Check the change log for yourselves. We hope you will enjoy this one.Majority of the changes were done by MarKr, so big props to him.Full changelog with download on our forum post:We also released second BK Mappack, with big help of some of our players, you can find some info here: and download here:Enjoy!Wolf,Blitzkrieg Mod Team. Another new patch for Blitzkrieg mod!In this patch we changed veterancy levels a bit, so certain units like rangers, certain stormtroopers, certain commandos, snipers and some others will require a bit more XP to level up, some less.All changes together should even the game a bit more, especially within doctrines of the same faction. Most 'nerfs' were to Inf and Terror doctrines, which were played the most.
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Both AB and Luft got some buffs, we will see how it plays out. I would like to remember here, that not every doctrine should deal with everything and especially not with one unit. While there was a certain shift to that in the past, I wouldn't like to continue this trend. Also remember that playing games with or against multiple of the same doctine is not that of an example how to balance. If you will play against 4 arty doctrines you can. Expect loads of arty.
And we will not change how arty doctrines work just because of that. Same applies to other doctrines, 4x RAF means that there will be planes all over the place. Also that something takes 4CP in the tree in one doctrine doesnt mean that there cant be the same unit in other doctine for 8CP.Back to the patch. It also features new mode called currently BK Fun Mode, in which all resource income is doubled, popcap static 350 - this mode will NOT be balanced and should not be played in 'serious' games.Majority of the changes were done by MarKr, so big props to him.We also plan to make another mappack in near future, so stay tuned!Full changelog with download on our forum post:Wolf,Blitzkrieg Mod Team.